Top 5 habits of people with great skin


A Goodnight Sleep

The benefits of beauty sleep are undeniable.

Inflammation (which can lead to breakouts) and hastened ageing can both be caused by not getting enough sleep. Your cells require rest, rejuvenation, and healing. If you don’t get enough sleep, your skin won’t have the opportunity to do so. In fact, collagen, which is essential for preserving the flexibility and form of your skin, is produced during the deepest stages of sleep.

Cortisol levels in the body rise as a result of chronic tension and physical stress. Nothing is more damaging to your appearance than high levels of cortisol (the fight or flight hormone). This hormone can cause wrinkles by breaking down collagen and elastin.

Discover the benefits of relaxation to your skin and your overall health.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Staying hydrated is something that every skin expert will tell you is one of the most important things you can do for your skin. Dry, flaky skin that is prone to breakouts, acne, and wrinkles can result from a lack of water.

The largest organ in your body, your skin, requires adequate water to function correctly. Those eight glasses of water a day will improve your complexion, as well as your overall health! However, avoid drinking too much tap water. It contains a lot of chlorine, which might harm the beneficial bacteria in your gut. When possible, opt for natural spring water or glass bottled water.


Moisturize Correctly

It’s essential to make sure your skin gets hydrated for its vitality. Hydrating agents help reduce water loss by the outer skin layers and enhance your skin barrier. Look for a water supply which is soft enough and does not create discomfort every day. Lotions of heavy perfumes are a no-no for almost everyone and you want to look for products with ceramides if you have sensitive skin, one of three forms of lipid (fats) in your skin.

During the dry winter months, your skin will beg for more and thicker moisturizers, whereas during the humid summer months, you will be able to cut back. Use antioxidant-rich products such as vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin C. They will aid in the reduction and prevention of fine lines, wrinkles, and inflammation by assisting your skin in combating free radical damage.

Cleanse your face before Bed

This is a must absolute. Throughout the day, your skin has miraculously absorbed all kinds of pollution, dust, and toxins. Yup. Pollutant micro particulate matter that can harm your skin. Add the make-up that you have applied the morning to the gunk-pile, and you have a mess for yourself. Make-up blocks your pores and is packed with all the day’s exterior elements such as dirt, dust, pollution, etc. For all these things, it is a magnet. That’s merely a breakout that’s for overnight.

Diet and Sugar Consumption

This regular habit of sugar doesn’t simply damage your waistline. Foods with high glycaemic index (think sucrose sweets and white carbohydrates) lead to cortisol growth through the so-called ‘glycosylation’ process in which sugars bind to and weaken collagen.

Cleanliness is especially important, because at specific periods of time there is a place for hormonal imbalance which affects the skin. However, the possibilities of unnecessary outages would be lowered if adequate hygiene is maintained on a regular basis. Keep your skin constant, disciplined and clean and watch it bloom.


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